César Antonio Popoca Gómez
César Antonio Popoca Gómez is a young researcher originally from Mexico City. He was trained in Philosophy around the discussions on utopia and hope under the supervision of María del Rayo Ramírez. He is currently developing his doctoral research in Sociology at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla with the theme "The disappearance of people as a limit of the political" under the co-direction of Antonio Fuentes and Gabriel Gatti.
Theory & ResearchMexico has, up to date, 115,062 people reported as being disappeared. The problem is evident but raises many questions. Who counts as disappeared? How do we count disappearance? Who counts as “disappeared” and who not? Is every absence a disappearance? How valid is it to invoke disappearance in the case of absences? What do we understand when we hear that “people can disappear”?