Mariano Féliz
Associate Fellow

Mariano Féliz is a social activist in Argentina. Currently, he mostly works on political education with and within social organizations, and is active in union struggles within the University and Research Center where he is employed. He is a professor at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata and researcher at the CIG-IDIHCS of the CONICET/UNLP. There, he teaches political economy and conducts research on the transformations of dependent capitalism and its relationship to social struggles. He is mostly concerned about recovering the tradition of Marxian Dependency Theory, showing how it can be articulated with current debates within feminist economics and Marxist ecological debates.
In PerspectiveArgentina’s primary, open, and compulsory elections (PASO) confirmed a shift in the political system towards the far right. The result of the PASO is the conclusion of a process that for at least a decade has seen a sustained deterioration in the living conditions of the population, in the context of increases in the precariousness of labour and in the financialization of life.