Sabrina Fernandes

Sabrina Fernandes has a PhD in Sociology from Carleton University, Canada, with a specialization in political economy, and is an ecosocialist activist in Brazil. She has geared her activist, research, and publishing work in the past years towards promoting political syntheses in the fragmented Brazilian Left with a focus on ecosocialism and its potential to foster resistance on the ground. She is the creator and producer of YouTube channel TeseOnze, a contributing editor at Jacobin Magazine, and lead editor for Jacobin Brasil.
Theory & ResearchBy looking into housing status, entitlements, infrastructure and policies, the panel “Housing crisis in a time of democratic backsliding” provided an analysis that helps to explain social contradictions and what kind of political action is possible by people excluded and/or repressed given authoritarian spatial dynamics in a society
In PerspectiveBolsonaro continues to employ fear as rhetoric, but not as fear of the pandemic in order to legitimize stronger use of force and police control as one would expect. Rather, his authoritarian trends show in different ways as he attempts to engage the working class through fear of losing jobs and going hungry.