Theory & ResearchThe revolution in Iran can be framed as a feminist revolution also because of its form of resistance. The feminist performative/figurative dimension of the revolution, as an anonymous feminist writer and protester from Iran elaborates, is “the distinguishing feature” of the revolutionary movement that we are witnessing
Theory & ResearchAll revolutions in modern times have something in common: they surprise and overwhelm. Yet we cannot endure the moment of revolution, which we perceive as chaos that must be tamed by order of conceptual rationality. The Woman-Life-Freedom revolutionary movement is no exception. How can we read and understand it without domesticating the revolution?
Theory & ResearchThis essay intends to shed light on the emotional life of activists and dissident publics in contemporary Turkey along with producing insights to cultivate a coping perspective against the persistence of authoritarianism and the social polarization that it breeds, which poses a critical challenge to counter-hegemonic projects
By Ülker Sözen