Theory & ResearchAll revolutions in modern times have something in common: they surprise and overwhelm. Yet we cannot endure the moment of revolution, which we perceive as chaos that must be tamed by order of conceptual rationality. The Woman-Life-Freedom revolutionary movement is no exception. How can we read and understand it without domesticating the revolution?
Theory & Research
Neoliberalism has dismantled the social structures that offered
security and orientation to life. The far right successfully channels
the resulting fears and anxieties towards purist, social Darwinist fantasies. Politics of care stands as a defiant response to that. In
an era defined by uncertainty and precarity, care emerges as
survival, resistance, and imagination. Care is a counter-normative
project: sustaining and (re)generating social life while embracing
contradiction and resisting the demands for purity.
By Firoozeh Farvardin and Gustavo Robles
Theory & ResearchConstant surveillance, evaluation mechanisms, and unjustified suspensions, the anonymization of the relationship with the employer, all reveal that the authoritarian face of neoliberalism also has its microphysical expression in the world of work, where ideologies of freedom, autonomy, and self-responsibility coexist with the opacity and arbitrariness of digital management