Theory & ResearchIn many countries today states are intervening in social relations with more authoritarian policies in order to overcome economic, political, and social crises. Neoliberalism and authoritarianism are presented as polar opposites in main-stream liberal criticism. The purpose of this article is to emphasise the limitations of such an interpretation by considering the main arguments of the most prominent mainstream critical analyses of authoritarianism in Turkey
Theory & ResearchAll revolutions in modern times have something in common: they surprise and overwhelm. Yet we cannot endure the moment of revolution, which we perceive as chaos that must be tamed by order of conceptual rationality. The Woman-Life-Freedom revolutionary movement is no exception. How can we read and understand it without domesticating the revolution?
Theory & ResearchThis essay intends to shed light on the emotional life of activists and dissident publics in contemporary Turkey along with producing insights to cultivate a coping perspective against the persistence of authoritarianism and the social polarization that it breeds, which poses a critical challenge to counter-hegemonic projects
By Ülker Sözen