Paula Gil Larruscahim
Post-Doc Fellow

Paula holds a PhD in Cultural and Global Criminology (DCGC) from universities of Kent (UK) and Utrecht (NL) and a M.A. degree in Criminal Sciences from the Pontific Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS). Her research experience lies on media representations of crime, state violence and criminalization of popular culture in urban Brasil. Paula’s activist commitment has been with the struggle against authoritarian penal policies and the use of the juridical-criminal system as a tool of social control. She’s also a contributor with kollektiv orangotango. In the last years she has been doing research on the expansion of the extreme right in Brasil. Research Paula’s current research aims to bring new insights to the criminological discussion on punitive agendas and their role for the authoritarian extreme right’s identity politics in a transnational perspective. What are the images and narratives regarding penal policies and the punitive discourses on which extreme right groups build there identity? Also, from a cultural criminological perspective, what is the relationship between mediated representations and individual experiences in terms of recruitment and engagement in groups of the extreme right and their action? Paula will conduct her research in the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Santa Catarina